The Voice of Young People (VYP) is open to any Young Person 16+. This group to meet up on Tuesdays 5:00-8:00pm to discuss matters that concern young people.
Interested in Taking part in the Voice of Young People? Contact us to find out about the next meeting: email: vypgib@gmail.com
Lead worker: Sarah Wadsworth: Sarah.wadsworth@gibraltar.gov.gi WhatsApp: 54084260
Gibraltar Youth Production Team

The Gibraltar Youth Service continues to strive towards helping young people bridge the gap between education and employment. The Gibraltar Youth Production Team (GYPT) is a Youth Service leadership project which aims to attract young people between the ages 16-25 including, in particular, young people who are not in education, employment or training (in a bid to seek to assist in the development of skills useful to prospective employers and a portfolio of work for entering University). In this project, the idea is to have young people pursuing all the roles of a production team in the medium of film and photography.
Young people have the opportunity to build on a portfolio of work evidencing skills such as team work, working towards deadlines, presentation skills, time management, verbal and written communication, sharing ideas, planning and organising, developing professionalism, action planning and decision-making skills as well as skills in photography, video, lighting and editing.
Sessions run on Tuesday's at the Youth Centre (5:00-8:00pm for 16-25 year olds)
More information on the GYPT can be found on:
Facebook page:
Instagram: gypt.gib